Trust the regenerative power of your own body

Discover how Biosil® generates and protects your collagen, elastin and keratin naturally.

Generate & Protect

Generate & Protect

When we hit 21, our collagen levels decline steadily at about 1% per year. It means we start to age visibly, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin, hair loss or dull hair, and more brittle nails. But, your body is a regenerative wonder. It knows how to repair and rejuvenate itself.

Generate protect

Biosil's unique 2-in-1 ch-OSA® complex supports that ability by activating and protecting your body's collagen production, while at the same time boosting your elastin and keratin production. Biosil® is the only clinically proven supplement to do this! What's more, ch-OSA® generates collagen with your DNA fingerprint—and that's truly unique. Harness your natural power to look and feel your best with Biosil®.

ch-OSA® — proven to elevate your beauty naturally

Biosil’s clinically proven 2-IN-1 effect supports and activates your body’s natural ability to protect and generate your own collagen, elastin, and keratin. These three proteins are your best friends when it comes to hair, skin and nails – they keep it all growing, glowing and strong. As we get older, we produce less of these proteins. They become easily damaged by environmental and lifestyle factors, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, brittle nails, and thinner hair.



The most abundant protein in your body:

  • firmness & glow
  • thicker hair
  • stronger nails


Gives the resilience and elasticity for your skin to ‘snap back’:

  • tightness & elasticity
  • more youthful appearance


Key component of your hair (97%) and nails (100%):

  • thick, smooth, healthy nails
  • thick, healthy more luscious hair

ch-OSA®: our science-based formulation

Generate collagen with your own DNA fingerprint.

ch-OSA® is the patented, active ingredient of Biosil®. It’s a unique complex of two components: orthosilicic acid (OSA), which is the biologically active form of silicon, and choline (ch), which is an essential nutrient that neutralizes collagen-destroying homocysteine and helps regulate cortisol.

Decorative pill

When combined into ch-OSA®, these components stabilize each other for optimal transport into collagen-producing cells, while at the same time protecting existing collagen and elastin from damage. Clinical trials have found that taking ch-OSA® has noticeable effects all over the body, including skin, hair, nails, joints, and bones.

Safe. Clean. Effective.

Formulated with care

We create products that are effective (clinically proven), safe and clean.

  • Vegan Friendly 1
  • GMO Free 1
  • Gluten Allergen Free 1
  • Dairy Free 1
  • Soy Free 1
You’re in good hands.

Backed by scientists

ch-OSA® was invented in the early 1990s by a medical microbiologist at the University of Antwerp. Twenty-five years and $20 million later, researchers have not just tested but clinically proven ch-OSA®'s health and beauty benefits while also optimizing its delivery to your collagen-generating cells. Having had all this time to study ch-OSA® gives us the benefits of knowing its full long-term effects and safety.

Richard Passwater

Medical Director

Jodi Sanders

Education Specialist

Mario Calomme

R&D Director

Clinically proven & triple-verified

25 Years & 20M Dollars in research

ch-OSA® was invented in the early 1990s by a medical microbiologist at the University of Antwerp.Twenty-five years and $20 million later, researchers have not just tested but clinically proven ch-OSA®'s health and beauty benefits while also optimizing its delivery to your collagen-generating cells. Having had all this time to study ch-OSA® gives us the benefits of knowing its full long-term effects and safety.


Biosil® is tested and proven in double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trials (the gold standard in measuring results!). Double-blind means that neither the participants nor the researcher in the clinical trial know whether or not they have received a placebo or Biosil® until the clinical trial is over. The placebo and Biosil® smell and taste the same, so participants really can’t tell them apart. This makes the results of the study less likely to be biased.The clinical results are published in peer-reviewed medical journals. Meaning they had to undergo the scrutiny of other independent experts in the same field (peers). The peer-review process is considered necessary to meet or comply with academic scientific standards.

Inclusive at heart

Biosil® is for everybody. We mean that literally: for all bodies. Our product is clinically tested and trusted by men and women worldwide, of different ages, body types, and cultural and geographical backgrounds.